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Environmental Policy

Springfield are actively committed to meeting the environmental challenges and opportunities that are an integral part of business today. Our whole team, both permanent and temporary, are aware of the obligation we as a company have, to protect the environment in which we operate. We are committed to mitigating those impacts by the following commitments. This policy is part of our core induction for all staff.

We work closely with ISO organisations, environmental consultants, supply partners and distributors and have an active program aligned to our carbon and environmental business aspirations and we regularly review and monitor our progress.


Springfield and its employees will:


Maintain an Environmental Management System.

Regularly review all our operations to ensure that waste and pollution are minimised wherever possible.

Set objectives and work towards targets to ensure continual improvements in environmental performance.

Where possible and practical, utilise conference calling, and electronic conferencing as opposed to travelling large distances to meet.

Where travel is required, use public transport or trains where practical, if this is not possible then try and travel in groups or make several appointments within the same journey to reduce the carbon and environmental impact of that journey.

Ensure environmental awareness amongst all employees and provide sufficient levels of training to allow them to meet their environmental responsibilities.

Manage our product offerings and services in line with major vendor partners' environmental best practices.

Work in close collaboration with all suppliers & manufacturers to ensure all aspects of the supply chain are as efficient as possible.

Encourage all suppliers & manufacturers to improve their environmental performance.

Promote the recycling of all possible materials through internal education.

Cooperate with, meet and where possible, exceed the requirements of applicable environmental bodies, legislation and regulations.

Promote and market products from ethical manufacturers and partners that have excellent environmental characteristics and meet high-efficiency demands.

Communicate this policy throughout all levels of the company and make it available to all.

All members of staff, if they become aware of a breach of this policy or an opportunity for improvement, should notify senior management where these will be reviewed and responded to within 14 days.






Within Springfield we operate the following business processes or management directives as standard and these are regularly reviewed and coached by our staff.


Paper, plastics and cans are placed, as standard in clearly marked reciprocals for regular recycling.


Clear desk and power down policy of all related equipment. This extends beyond users and desktops to multi-function devices, building heating and all electrical appliances.


Duplex and mono printing as standard where printing is required

Drive to have staff use portable devices as opposed to printed pages.

Electronic order and stock request systems where possible to prevent excessive printing.


Within our warehouse and delivery teams we adopt the following values and objectives:


All cardboard to be segregated for local recycling.

Segregated all plastic wrapping for recycling sent for re-use and recycling.

Grouping of deliveries and utilisation where possible of single vehicle multi-drop journeys to reduce the number of vehicles in use in our fleet.

Box free deliveries where possible.

Passive and efficient driving is encouraged by the driver and logistics team to reduce the environmental impact of any journeys made.


The use of electric vehicles where possible for deliveries.


By adopting these policies, we aim to not only reduce the environmental and carbon footprint of its operations but also encourage our partners and customers alike to consider their environmental impact.



Frances Stephen


August 2022